There is an old saying… “prevention is better than a cure”. ANVIL stands alone when it comes to multi-point, file system protection and intrusion detection.
File protection
ANVIL uses several intelligent technologies to prevent files from being modified or damaged. At the simplest level, you can protect a folder by merely allowing only signed applications to alter files. However, you also have the power to specify applications signed by a specific company or organisation… or even individual executables themselves.
Intrusion detection
ANVIL also takes intrusion detection to a new level. When protecting a folder, you have the option to include our stealth intrusion detection technology. Many existing intrusion detection systems rely on fake or decoy files to be modified before the alert is raised. The obvious downfall here is that many “real” files could get damaged long before the decoy files are hit. Anvil’s intrusion detection baits the bad guys, allowing (what the bad guys believe to be) unrestricted file access. And, when we do detect their presence… ANVIL drops the hammer, terminating the unauthorised process and notifying users via email and full-screen alerts.
APT detection
APT’s (advanced persistent threats) are another area often overlooked… while intrusion detection works well for process-driven malware such as ransomware, APT’s are more about real-life intruders poking around your system and stealing IP. Using Anvil’s “canary file” feature, you can lay down honey pot files that, when opened or copied, silently notify via email. In recent times, exploits around RDP (remote desktop protocol) make APT detection more critical than ever!
ANVIL's cloud-based security
To ensure security, ANVIL uses cloud-based authentication, ensuring that, no matter how compromised a system becomes, rule modification is not possible.
ANVIL, engineered for a modern file system
ANVIL is the only platform available that is specifically engineered to protect, monitor and add features to file system folders, including network endpoints. From monitoring and access control, through to intrusion detection and immutable folders, ANVIL provides robust binary protection.